This is the first full exegetical and theological study of the remnant as it applies to Adventist ecclesiology.
Folgende Artikel sind im Buch enthalten:
The Remnant in the OT (Tarsee Li)
The Remnant in Non-Canonical Jewish Apocalptic Works and in Qumran (Leslie N. Pollanrd)
The Remnant in the Gospels (Clinton Wahlen)
The Remnant in the Book of Revelation (Richard P. Lehmann)
The Remnant and God’s Commandments: Revelation 12:17 (Johannes Kovar)
Sabbath Theology in the book of Revelation (Mathilde Frey)
Identifying Marks of the End-Time Remnant in the Book of Revelation (Gerhard Pfandl)
The Remnant in Contemporary Adventist Theology (Frank M. Hasel)
The Remnant People of God int the Writings of Ellen G. White (Angel Manuel Rodriguez)
Concluding Essay: God’s End-Time Remnant and the Christian Church (Angel Manuel Rodriguez)
The “Tesimony of Jesus” in the Writings of Ellen G. White (Angel Manuel Rodriguez)
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